Home Finder 2017-03-31T15:02:40+00:00

Interested in Newport Beach Homes for Sale?

Be the first to know what comes on the market with our personalized Newport Beach home search service – directly from the same database that only licensed agents have access to for tracking the current market, the MLS.

Let the MLS to automatically do the searching for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. To receive the most accurate listings for your search criteria, fill out the form below with your property descriptions. You will receive the most up-to-date property listings and pricing.

As a general rule of thumb, real estate prices in Newport Beach are as follows:

  • The condominium market begins around $350,000
  • The single-family home market begins around $750,000
  • Water view homes begin around $2 million
  • Waterfront homes begin around $2.5 million

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    Newport HeightsLido SandsNewport ShoresBalboa IslandNewport PeninsulaCorona Del MarNewport CoastWestcliffFashion IslandOther

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